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As an Orlando engagement photographer, I know that engagement photos are an important part of the wedding planning process. Not only do they serve as a beautiful reminder of your love and commitment to one another, but they also give you a chance to showcase your unique personalities and style. One of the most important aspects of this process is choosing the perfect engagement outfit. 

Choosing the right outfits can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your photos. In this blog post, we will go over some tips and tricks to help you choose the perfect engagement photo outfits for your engagement photos.

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Location is key to engagement photo outfit choices

The location of your engagement photos will play a big role in determining what to wear. It’s important to consider the setting and the atmosphere of the location when choosing your outfits. If you’re taking photos in a more formal setting, like a garden or a palace, you’ll want to dress up a bit more. A nice dress or suit would be appropriate for these locations. On the other hand, if you’re taking photos in a more casual setting, like a beach or a park, you can dress more casually. A nice sundress or a button-up shirt and jeans would be appropriate for these types of locations.

It’s also important to consider the time of day and the lighting condition at the location, This will help you to select the appropriate colors, styles, and fabrics for your clothing.

When in doubt, always consult with your photographer for suggestions.

Coordinate colors, but don’t match outfits exactly.

In order to create a cohesive and polished look in your engagement photos, it’s important to coordinate the colors of your outfits. You can do this by choosing colors that are in the same color family, like shades of blue or pink. This creates a harmonious look and ensures that the colors in your photos will complement each other. Another option is to choose colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, like blue and orange or purple and yellow. This creates a bold and striking contrast that can be very effective in photos. It’s also a good idea to avoid wearing clothes that have big prints or patterns, as they can be distracting in the photos.

When coordinating colors, keep in mind that the colors of your clothing should also complement the colors of the location. If you’re taking photos in a garden with a lot of green foliage, for example, you might want to avoid wearing green clothing so that you don’t blend in with the background. Similarly, if you’re taking photos at the beach, you might want to avoid wearing white clothing as it can wash out in the sunlight. 

Consulting with your photographer will help you to select the colors that work best with the location and the lighting conditions.

Add a little pop with accessories to your engagement photo outfits

Accessories can really make engagement photo outfits pop, so don’t be afraid to add a statement piece to your engagement photos. Here are a few ideas for accessories that can add a touch of elegance or personality to your photos:

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  • Necklaces: A statement necklace can add a touch of sparkle to a simple dress and draw attention to your face.
  • Earrings: A pair of statement earrings can add a touch of elegance to an outfit and frame your face.
  • Rings: A nice ring can add a touch of glamour to your photos, especially when holding hands with your partner. I highly recommend your engagement ring… 
  • Scarves: A scarf can be used as a prop and can add a touch of color and texture to your photos.
  • Hats: A hat can be a nice accessory for outdoor photos and can add a touch of elegance to a casual outfit.

When accessorizing, remember to keep it simple and not overdo it. The goal is to add a touch of personality to your photos, not to overwhelm them. It’s also a good idea to consult with your photographer to make sure that your accessories won’t clash with the location or the lighting conditions.

Dress for Comfort

It’s important to remember that you want to be comfortable during your engagement photos. Avoid anything too tight or restrictive, and make sure you’re able to move around easily. Wearing clothes that you’re not comfortable in can show in the photos and can make you look stiff and unnatural.

It’s also important to consider the weather and the temperature when choosing your engagement photo outfits. If you’re taking photos outside on a hot summer day, for example, you’ll want to wear lightweight and breathable fabrics. Similarly, if you’re taking photos in the winter, you’ll want to wear warm and cozy layers if it is cooler.

Remember that comfort is key, so make sure you choose outfits that you feel good in. This will allow you to relax and be yourself in front of the camera, resulting in natural and beautiful photos.

Think about the overall look

When choosing your engagement photo outfits, it’s important to think about the overall look and feel you want to achieve. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Classic styles: Choose timeless styles and colors that will stand the test of time. Avoid anything too trendy or fashionable, as these styles will likely look dated in a few years.
  • Coordination: Coordinate your outfits with your partners so that you look like a cohesive couple in your photos.
  • Consider the location and the mood: Choose outfits that fit the location and the mood of your engagement photos. A beach location may call for a more casual and relaxed outfit, while a palace location may call for something more formal and elegant.

Remember that the goal is to create beautiful and timeless photos that celebrate your engagement, a little personality is a good thing. So, it’s important to take the time to choose outfits that will make you feel confident and beautiful. And don’t be afraid to add a personal touch and show off your unique personality and style.

FAQ About Engagement Photo Outfits & Photos

Can we bring multiple outfits for our engagement photos?

Yes, you can bring multiple outfits for your engagement photos. This allows you to have a variety of looks and styles in your photos. However, it’s important to keep in mind that changing outfits takes time, so make sure to factor that into your schedule. Personally, I would only recommend this for longer engagement sessions. 

Can we include our pets in our engagement photos?

Absolutely! Including your pets in your engagement photos can be a great way to add a personal touch and showcase your love for each other. However, it’s important to keep in mind that pets can be unpredictable, so if your pet is a little… Extra… Then it may be best to keep them at home or bring someone to take them after a few photos.

Last but not least

Choosing the perfect outfits for your engagement photos can be a fun and exciting part of the wedding planning process. Remember to consider the location, coordinate colors, accessorize, dress comfortably and think about the overall look and feel of the photos.

Most importantly, don’t stress too much about it. The most important thing is that you and your partner are having fun and that will shine through in the photos regardless of what you wear. So, relax, have fun, and be yourselves. And if all else fails, just remember that the camera loves a good love story, so let your love story do the talking.

If you’re still unsure about what to wear or need some additional advice, feel free to reach out to me, your friendly neighborhood Orlando engagement photographer. I’m always happy to help and offer suggestions.

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